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Turkmenistan, Russia Seek Expansion of Inter-Parliamentary Ties

By Aygerim Sarymbetova May 22, 2024


Turkmenistan’s Ambassador to the Russian Federation Esen Aydogdyev met with Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council (upper house of Russian parliament) Konstantin Kosachev in Moscow, on May 20, 2024. / News Central Asia

Turkmenistan's Ambassador to Russia Esen Aydogdyev and Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of Russia Konstantin Kosachev have discussed the deepening of inter-parliamentary ties and the intensification of joint work within the framework of various formats of cooperation.

“Senators are interested in such meetings being held regularly and included in the work schedule. Contacts with diplomatic representatives facilitate inter-parliamentary activities,” Kosachev said at a meeting in Moscow on May 20, according to News Central Asia.

Kosachev said that Russia is actively involved in the activities of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and seeks to expand contacts with Muslim nations, and welcomed Turkmenistan’s joining the Russia-Islamic World format.

“We will strive to give additional momentum to regular meetings at the level of the heads of parliaments of Russia and Turkmenistan, as well as in the Ashgabat format, a new platform for inter-parliamentary cooperation between Central Asian countries and Russia,” he stressed.

In turn, Aydogdyev expressed his intention to contribute to the development of Russian-Turkmen inter-parliamentary cooperation, and pointed out that former Turkmen president, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, who serves as the Chairman of the People's Council of the country, instructed to intensify contacts with the Federation Council.

Parliamentarians can effectively interact on various issues and harmonize legislative bases through regular delegation visits, joint meetings, and experience exchange, which improves conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation and strengthens friendly relations between Turkmenistan and Russia.

On May 16, People's Council Chairman Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, as part of a working visit to Tatarstan of the Russian Federation, took part in the 15th International Economic Forum “Russia–the Islamic world: KazanForum 2024”, and held a meeting with the Russian Deputy Speaker Kosachev.

At a meeting, Kosachev noted that the practical implementation of constructive proposals aims to inspire long-term interstate relations within the framework of Russia-Islamic World.

In turn, Berdimuhamedow said that Turkmenistan considers this format of cooperation as a unique platform for building long-term partnership with all interested states, and expressed his country’s readiness to promote the joint development of effective forms of interaction.

Earlier, Berdimuhamedow held talks with the head of Russia's Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, during his visit to Russia on May 15. The sides confirmed their readiness to develop further cooperation, "which meets mutual long-term interests and corresponds to the strategy of interstate Turkmen-Russian relations".

Minnikhanov said at the meeting that Tatarstan would contribute to the expansion of long-term partnership ties with Turkmenistan, while the Turkmen speaker confirmed the intention of his country to strengthen and expand multifaceted cooperation with Tatarstan within the framework of its strategic partnership with the Russian Federation".

During his visit, Berdimuhamedow also attended the Russia Halal Expo exhibition in Kazan, Tatarstan, on May 16. It is Russia’s largest exhibition of economic, scientific and technological cooperation between the regions of the Russian Federation and the OIC countries.

Tatarstan’s leading enterprises, such as KAMAZ, Kazan Helicopter Plant, KER Holding, Zelenodolsk Shipbuilding Plant and others are among Turkmenistan’s longtime partners. Last year, the trade volume between Tatarstan and Turkmenistan increased by 13% and exceeded $52 million.