Vusala Abbasova / May 20, 2022
US President Joe Biden has signed a $40 billion package of humanitarian, military, and economic assistance for Ukrain...
Vusala Abbasova / April 14, 2022
Russia’s foreign ministry announced its decision to ban the vast majority of Canadian senators from entering the coun...
Vusala Abbasova / December 25, 2021
Kazakhstan’s parliament has passed a bill that would abolish the death penalty, a measure that, if signed by the coun...
Mushvig Mehdiyev / December 14, 2018
The United States Senate’s Committee on Foreign Relations confirmed the appointment of Earle Litzenberger, a career m...
Vusala Abbasova / June 29, 2018
Russia’s ambitious gas pipeline project known as Nord Stream-2, which is supposed to supply to Europe 110 billion cub...
Nargiz Mammadli / April 16, 2018
Arizona’s state senate adopted a proclamation on April 12 to reaffirm its support for the sovereignty and territorial...
Vusala Abbasova / November 9, 2017
Yesterday marked one year since Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States, and the beginnin...