Vusala Abbasova / December 25, 2021
Turkmenistan's Ministry of Health and Medical Industry has registered the Russian-made single-dose Sputnik Light Covi...
Vusala Abbasova / November 28, 2021
Russia is planning to supply Kazakhstan with two more domestically produced Covid-19 vaccines supposed to speed up th...
Vusala Abbasova / June 29, 2021
Russia has put what it has dubbed the "light vaccine" against Covid-19 — the first component of the original two-dose...
Vusala Abbasova / May 18, 2021
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the fourth homegrown vaccine against coronavirus infection, dubbed “S...
Vusala Abbasova / April 5, 2021
A lighter version of the Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine, which is administered in a single dose, is said to halve the cha...
Vusala Abbasova / February 26, 2021
Evgeny Timakov, the principal doctor of the Lider-Medicina center, on Thursday warned of another potential spike in R...